Authentication Overview & Setup

In this section, we will be discussing the various tests located within the cypress/tests/ui/auth.spec.ts file.

Let's break down what is happening within the beforeEach() as it is important to understand what is going on since this hook is running before each test.


beforeEach(() => {

  cy.intercept("POST", "/users").as("signup")
  cy.intercept("POST", apiGraphQL, (req) => {
    const { body } = req

    if (
      body.hasOwnProperty("operationName") &&
      body.operationName === "CreateBankAccount"
    ) {
      req.alias = "gqlCreateBankAccountMutation"

You can find out more information about the custom Cypress commands used here.

The first thing that happens inside of this hook is a custom task we have created called db:seed which is responsible for seeding our database.


Next, we are using cy.intercept() to intercept every POST request to the /users route. We are then aliasing this intercept to "signup." When you see @signup being used within a test, it is referring to this intercept.

cy.intercept("POST", "/users").as("signup")

Finally, we are using cy.intercept() to intercept every POST request to our GraphQL API endpoint. Within the body of this intercept, we have a conditional to check to see if the GraphQL operationName is equal to "CreateBankAccount," if so, we are creating an alias to this intercept as gqlCreateBankAccountMutation . When you see @gqlCreateBankAccountMutation being used within a test, it is referring to this intercept.