Notifications Overview & Setup

In this section, we will be discussing the various tests located within the cypress/tests/ui/notifications.spec.ts file.

Let's break down what is happening within the beforeEach() as it is essential to understand what is going on since this hook is running before each test.


const ctx = {} as NotificationsCtx;

  beforeEach(() => {

    cy.intercept("GET", "/notifications*").as("getNotifications");
    cy.intercept("POST", "/transactions").as("createTransaction");
    cy.intercept("PATCH", "/notifications/*").as("updateNotification");
    cy.intercept("POST", "/comments/*").as("postComment");

    cy.database("filter", "users").then((users: User[]) => {
      ctx.userA = users[0];
      ctx.userB = users[1];
      ctx.userC = users[2];

You can find out more information about the custom Cypress commands used here.

First, we are using a custom Cypress task to seed our database.


Then, we are using cy.intercept() to intercept several requests and aliasing them to be used later on within our tests.

cy.intercept("GET", "/notifications*").as("getNotifications")
cy.intercept("POST", "/transactions").as("createTransaction")
cy.intercept("PATCH", "/notifications/*").as("updateNotification")
cy.intercept("POST", "/comments/*").as("postComment")

Finally, we are using another custom Cypress command cy.databse() to retrieve some users from the database and store them on the ctx object. This object and these users will be used later on within our tests. This is an example of "Data Driven Testing" where instead of hard coding your data, you use real data from a remote source, which in this case is our database.

cy.database("filter", "users").then((users: User[]) => {
  ctx.userA = users[0]
  ctx.userB = users[1]
  ctx.userC = users[2]