Invalid Users

Before continuing, make sure you have read the Authentication Overview & Setup lesson first.

it("should error for an invalid user", () => {
  cy.login("invalidUserName", "invalidPa$$word")

    .and("have.text", "Username or password is invalid")
    "Sign In, Invalid Username and Password, Username or Password is Invalid"

You can find out more information about the custom Cypress commands used in this test here.

First, we are using cy.login(), a Custom Cypress Command to use the Sign In UI to log in as a user with an invalid username and password.

cy.login("invalidUserName", "invalidPa$$word")

Finally, we confirm the error is displayed. The correct error message is shown with a chained expectation that the error is visible and has a specific error message.

  .and("have.text", "Username or password is invalid")